Cheery thought, eh? So my motto:
carpe diem while ya got it. (Oh I
wish that were my motto.)
Got to work at 6 a.m., changed, met FastRunnerFriend at 6:30 and ran four miles with
no walking (!!!!) and faster than my usual 4-mile pace, too, without consciously trying to go faster. In fact, I was consciously trying to go slower so I could finish without walking.
Just to keep me honest:
(humidity=90% no kidding, at 6:30 a.m.)
total:44:12 / 11:03 min/mile pace.
Pretty darn good. FRF again slowed down for me and was soooo encouraging and complimentary about me finishing without walking. I think she was happier than I was!! (Thanks,
A.!) This is how fast she is: while I was huffing and puffing and dragging my ass UPHILL at my 11 min/mile pace, she was
walking next to me. Her walk is as fast as my fastest running. Hello! Still, having her there and knowing she is not going to judge me, plus knowing she has PROMISED to tell me if she wants to take off, really helped me take my mind off all the icky parts of those 44 minutes—you know, the
running parts.
What also helped was a line I read in a John "the Penguin" Bingham book last night: he said "So many runners give up, when their best day might have been right around the corner. Might have been their next run, in fact." (paraphrasing.) So, I kept that thought in mind.
Whatever. I was happy at the end, and so was she. Leg did not bother me. Not then, not during the whole day, which I spent icing it. (More about that later.)
In other news, Big (well, two is a bigger number than one) Running Blog Family meet-up happening on Saturday!!! I am finally going to meet
26.2 miles vs. Naomi~! We're
running racing the
Gulf Coast Relief 5K Run and Walk, which is raising money for Red Cross. Sponsored by our favorite wacky politico duo: James Carville and Mary Matalin. And one certified movie star: Patricia Clarkson. I'm sure I'll be running alongside her.
So Naomi is supposed to be making the truffles right now, and yeah, I'm supposed to be finding a mother to make us cookies (wait—
I'm a mother!)
And in a very strange turn of events, my entire pace group
(remember them?) has also signed up for this. But I shouldn't really link to that ancient entry since it turns out that they actually
missed me at the 23 miler on Saturday, asked about me, and sent best wishes. See? People can change and start liking you. There's a lesson there. (I *think* the lesson is: I became less judgmental and starting accepting
them. Imagine.) Oh I love running because it teaches you so many life lessons! Like how not to be a jerk.
So I spent tonight wandering the streets of Alexandria, (in my car) looking for the store to pick up the race packets, only had zero gas because i'll be damned if I'll pay $3.50 a gallon, and we should all be taking public transportation, only it would take me like six hours to get from my place in Bethesda to across the river in Alexandria via public transportation. (I'm so stubborn it's really borderline demented. Not to mention nonsensical.) Found store, and picked up packets for me and 26 miles versus, Hmm, no maps of course in packet, in store, on Web site, or anywhere else. Actually, there was a teeny-tiny hand-drawn map at the back of the store, but my photographic memory failed me. How about info about parking? Nope. Didn't have that either.
So I drove around Alexandria, which luckily, is laid out in a nice grid. A very royal place. Duke St., King St., Prince St., etc. WIth stop signs at each intersection. Of which there were hundreds. I was trying to at least find the race start before I ran out of gas. Found start. Bought gas. ($3.22/gallon. ugh.)
Got home around 9ish, got out of car and, ouchie, leg hurt again. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE that I can go the entire day, and run four miles and be at work, all icing up and raising leg and being fine (and p.s. I had wrapped an ice bandage on leg during drive to store) and when I get home I am limping? I so think that doctor was wrong.
Well, maybe it's temporary. I'm going to think positive. Meanwhile, I gotta go find me a cookie-maker.