I'm a popular bitch?? Isn't that an oxymoron? And goth?? Yeah, that is so me. Jeeze, just because I wear black all the time, I get typecast! But Loser??? Now that one really hurts! Slut?? No COMMENT. What type of girl are you?!! created with QuizFarm.com |
I lied some and came up a hippy slut who likes sports. I'll buy hippy and I did have my day with guys but sports? Not really. I mean maybe now but not until recently. I give this quiz an F
dude i was a popular bitch tied with slutty. they were like 48% each, and the rest fell into tomboy category, etc...
although in my case?! totally true!! (yeah i'm so kidding!)
I'm almost afraid to take that quiz...lol.
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