Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Inauguration and Track Workouts*

*I'm sure there's real clever headline in there somewhere, but I'm too lazy to think it up. Submit your entries in the comment field.

Number One Daughter and I went down to the National Mall on Inauguration day. Lucky for us we got turned back early trying to get close, so we didn't get caught up with the ticketholders, those very lucky people who managed to nab the elusive-yet-highly-sought-after-sometimes-standing-room-only tickets that were close up...and who sadly got stuck outside of the gates and saw nothing. Major fail.

We, on the other hand, settled for the Jumbotron on the grounds of the Washington Monument. Covered with every article of clothing we owned, plus hand and foot warmers, we froze.

Freedom of speech. It's a weird and wonderful thing.

Back of the White House, from the Washington Monument grounds, early a.m. About 20 minutes after I took this, people stood should-to-shoulder right up to that fence. Not such a safe arrangement.


Happy Inaugural Day, Nod!

The huddled masses, waiting, waiting, waiting.

It took me a while to realize that people were not just waving at the Jumbotron.

Afterwards: NOD and BF on the loooong walk back to the MetroBus. Once we got out of the spine-crushing crowd, it was smooth sailing. Definitely beat waiting in two hour lines for Metro (tip to out-of-towners: MetroBuses are often faster and less crowded during peak events).

As soon as the (mangled) oath of office was taken, we beat it out of there, because I had to get home and start getting ready for the Bytes and Books ball at the lovely Folger Shakespeare Library on Capitol Hill.

I was there on a press pass, so I was sort of working (although if you're one of my bosses reading this, I was TOTALLY working every minute). We missed George Lucas (he was being honored), along with Ted Kennedy (who hospitalized earlier that day), so there wasn't a whole lot to do. So I schmoozed.

Let me just say that I have a lot to learn about schmoozing. My feet, despite looking incredibly hawt
were killing me, so I sat down at one of the few tables, along with an older gentleman and his wife. He was retired, military, jolly looking. He was soon regaling me with stories about...his mattress (I am not making this up), the one with magnets in it (still not making this up), that cured his back (yay), and how his cure was so complete he had to start selling this product (ut-oh) and he is now into multi-level marketing (need. exit. now.) and he wanted to know, did I take vitamins? Um, yes! (Can I go?)

Retired General: I want you to try the water from my filtration system, and then try your water, and then I'm going to test how strong you are, and I'll be able to tell you if you're getting the right vitamins (riiiiiight)

RG: I'm afraid I must ask you something personal (wait for it): What color is your urine? Is it very yellow? You know you are just urinating out all those supplements, don't you?

Me: So NICE to talk to you, must dash...

How is it possible, I ASK YOU, for me to sit next to the ONE MULTILEVEL marketer in the entire room and NOT only that, to sit next to, oh, I'm going to take a wild guess and say, probably the ONLY man in that room of tuxedos and ball gowns who wanted to know WHAT COLOR MY URINE WAS?? HOW????

And, here, (for the two of you not on FaceBook), is your moment of Zen:

Track Workouts!

Last Wednesday's track workout:
6x400, at a 2:25 pace, with 400 recovery, a mile warmup and a mile cooldown. I did this:

1 mile warmup: 12:08
1st 400: 2:06
Recovery: 3:02
2nd 400: 2:09
recovery: 2:58 (2 miles)
3rd 400: 2:16
recovery: 3:05
4th 400: 2:27
recovery:2:59 (3 miles)
5th 400: 2:25
recovery: 2:59
6th 400: 2:21
recovery: 3:02 (4 miles)
1 mile cooldown: 12:02 5 miles

Yay me, although my coach did tell me I needed to slow down. It's such a bother getting told that.


Tonight's track workout was canceled, because .00001 inches of snow fell in Washington D.C., so school was canceled, so no track. Instead, we were sent to the treadmills to do 4x800 with 400 recovery, which in treadmill lingo meant 5 minutes at threshold pace (I have NO idea what that means, I just like saying it). It means run faster, I think. So I did 5 minutes at 9:20 min/pace and 3 minute recovery. Times four. Plus one mile cooldown. It felt good too.

So, what have you been up to?


Dori said...

Hmmm, there's somebody besides me who's not on facebook?

Jeanne, you look amazing! What a waste to be trapped with some old bore who doesn't understand that girls just wanna have fun.

I nominate "What Color is Your Urine?" for post title.

Jack said...

I enjoyed your post, never a dull moment in Washington! You were looking sharp for the ball, too bad you landed by the weirdest dude in the room (although it made for an entertaining blog entry ;-)

Oh, and I wish I had a coach that told me to slow down...keep up the good work speedy!

Petraruns said...

I think the title should be "You know you are just urinating out all those supplements, don't you?". Fun AND informative.

You looked great that night - you were WASTED on that old geezer. It's got to count as work...

Nice speed workouts as well - threshold pace sound positively fierce!

Thomas said...

I can't beat your adventures, so I won't even try.

"What colour is your urine?" - how does that rate as a chat-up line?

Susan said...

What a fab day, minus the whole urine thing...

ItchyBits said...

You look wonderful! The sexy shoes take it! I would love to have been a fly on the wall when you were chatting with the old dude.

Sunshine said...

Very nice pictures.. both of them ... very nice looking!!
I sure do enjoy running across your comments on blogs. Your humor delights.

Fun to read about adventures of Inauguation Day.. by real people.. like you...

Nora said...

Hey baby, pee in my cup and I'll tell you about life and love and...vitamins!

He was totally picking you up. Ha ha!

Thanks for sharing the pictures. I know two of the people caught in the ticket line. According to their mom, they weren't very happy but did make it in for the speech. Still waiting on pictures so thanks for sharing yours!

peter said...

Threshold pace, yeah, to run fast you gotta run fast.

You're fast! Nice track W.O.!

Turn that retired general in to the FTC. They'll take care of his scam.

You weren't wearing those shoes on the Mall in the cold, were you?

jeanne said...

you all are my new best friends. thomas: what color is your urine? is that the sequel to what color is your parachute? jack it is true i ALWAYS land the weirdest dudes in the room!
peter if i'd worn those shoes outside i'd have had to saw my feet off. but they sure are purty!

LBTEPA said...

Nice shoes!
How marvellous and grand to be part of history like that.

Judi said...

hey there jeanne! looking awesome these days! really good job on the track workout. it really does help with speed. it sucks ass doing the 400's but they feel oh so good when it's over.

thanks for your comment over on my blog tonight too.

Kelly said...

Awww you look so pretty!

IHateToast said...

so don't be so coy. what is the colour of your urine?