My head hurts. I think I have a wee touch of bronchitis.
I was going to drag myself to the doctors today, but I didn't feel good enough. Seriously, doesn't that just kill you that when you're so sick, you can't bear the thought of getting to the doctors? Oh for the days of the home visit.
In running news:
I ran on a treadmill at the YMCA Thursday night, sick. I've been a member of my local Y on and off for several years and had NEVER set foot in the Room of Machines.
Do you people realize that there are now TREADMILLS WITH TELEVISIONS ATTACHED???? Who knew??

Talk about your headphone debate. I ran five fast miles watching "Father of the Bride," (this one is better) and I didn't want to get off. It's only a matter of time until someone invents a TV that fits on a watch...

I guess it's OK if you watch TV while you run, as long as YOU DON'T WEAR HEADPHONES.
Friday I worked from home to avoid spreading my germs. This morning I had 12 miles on the schedule. Since I had skipped last week's run, I felt pressure to get out there. So I did. It was 30F, and we met at Haine's Point, for a run through Rock Creek Park. I cleverly took an antihistamine beforehand. (I know. Don't even bother telling me.) But in case you ever think about taking cold medicine and then running? Don't.
Do you ever go out for a run and immediately just KNOW it's going to suck? So, after the first step, I knew this was not going to be fun. My legs felt like cement. There were six of us, and by mile 3, the other five were but dots in the far, far distance. I got slower and slower. Thank God I had my iPod with me. Cuz no amount of nature was going to distract me from the fact that my nose was running faster than I was. My hands were so cold, I couldn't get my tissues out of my pocket. It was GROSS!
But I wasn't coughing too much.
I got to about mile 5, and had totally lost my group. So I turned back.
Ten miles in the bank, and the rest of the day on the couch, coughing.
I really need to read more.
Take a break! And get well soon :)
Poor Jeanne! I agree with Laura.
No fun feeling as dreary as the season.Best wishes for wellness.. soon.
Wow.. the treadmills at our community center do not have individual televisions.
I'm very impressed you went 10 miles today. That's hard to do when you're sick and on meds. Last time I was sick and ran, I fell apart at 8 miles and was done! 18 miles short of my goal. So you done good! Rest for real and get better.
I am curious, what is the sound like coming from that TV on the treadmill? Are there earphones that you use? Seems to me in a room full of other running machines in addition to the one you're on it would be hard to hear...
Goodness Jeanne, 10 miles under those conditions? Move to FLorida already!
Your more determined than me. Once I had one of those "it's going to be a crappy run/legs are cement" moments. I quit at 2.22. That's time btw not miles.
Don't run with a cough! That's what I did, and I ended up with pneumonia. Don't repeat my mistake.
You duffer!
What they said
Get well soon ((hugs, but from a distance you germy creature))
watch the news while listening to comedy on the mp3. confuse the neighbours on the other dreads.
oh, and get better, no more snot waffles!
Aren't you supposed to not run if the ailment is below the neck?!
Yes - the rule is if the symptoms are above the neck you can run, below the neck= no run.
Poor thing - rest and tea (without pouring the water over your hand) is what you need.
I hope you feel better soon. The running will come back when you are healthy but the health won't come back until your rest.
Breathing is over-rated so by all means, keep running out there you knucklehead! OR...wait...I have an idea. Slip off your running shoes and take a nap!
Awww, hurry up & get better! Sleep, don't run!
Nice job on getting out there when you're sick. You clearly exemplified HTFU behaviour. Well done. :)
Hopefully you'll be well soon! Its annoying when sickness gets in the way of training, right? Who cares about missing work.
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