... administrate them? Or, I could have titled this post, "Those that can, do, those that can't, hand out gatorade."
When last we met, I asked you all for your thoughts on whether or not I should join this 10k training program. So far the vote is 1-1. (Thanks David!!! Thanks 21stCMom!!!)
But, God moves in mysterious ways. I wrote the coach, P., yesterday, explaining my situation, complete with various caveats and exemptions, addendums and exhibits, and he wrote back today and asked if I would mind giving him a hand with registration and support and e-mail lists and collecting money and maybe setting up a training log/blog, and taking photos, getting post-run goodies, etc. etc. etc., in exchange for which I don't have to pay for the program ($30 saved is a penny earned!) and he understands totally about my need for time off ... soooo, I'm so excited! I'm back in a training program! Even if it IS only for four weeks with a long vacation in the middle.
I don't know if I'll end up walking or volunteering for the Capitol Hill 10k Classic. We'll just have to see.
I am a little nervous (OK a lot) about taking on yet another volunteer job. I already have this great gig and a few other things I do at church and here and there (where did I put my halo? WHERE?). And when I volunteer, I volunteer. Like it's my job. (Now if only I did my real job like I was a volunteer.)
So, I will pour myself into this. And that's a little scary. But it can't possibly be harder than training for a marathon! (I just love saying that.)
So that's what I'm gonna do.
P.S. My feed (over there---------->that big orange thing?) is a bit screwed up. I know this is presumptuous of me, but if you are already subscribed to it (and if so, thanks!) could you resubscribe? Yeah, I know. Like you have nothing better to do. You'd have to first delete me and then resub....ah, I wouldn't do it either. :)
Your feed seems fine to me but I'm good at following instructions.
Excellent plan for the 10K. I'm guessing that by race day you will have done enough and can be a spectator - or just skip it.
Google Reader seems to love your feed just fine :-)
Oh what a good idea! You are clever. Enjoy!
Sounds like a lot of fun. Plus the trade-off is very good money saved. :D
I didn't know you had another gig going. How am I going to keep up with you?
Ok, re the 10K program, that sounds like a cool compromise! And yah, you've trained for a marathon--successfully, I might add--how can anything be harder than that, right? :-)
I resubbed, but Bloglines was seeing you just fine!
Bloglines does see you 5 by 5.
As for the running program volunteer gig .... let me just ask ... will you be able to check out every guy racing? I knew it.
ha ha ha. I think David has you figured out.
i admire your capacity and passion to take on all the volunteer work. Training and Running that marathon will always be impressive, heck you can retire right now based on that alone! :)
Very cool! That sounds like it would be a fun gig. And you'll prob make a ton of new running friends!
Good job. Big Committment. Big fun I bet.
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