Saturday, February 17, 2007

Spin Cycle

I'm still coughing and now sneezing. I can't remember the last time I was sick for this long. I did zero exercise this week. I can't remember the last time that happened either. It's funny—or not—how not exercising for a week sends me into a frenzy. I'm convinced that my running days are over. And it was only last week that I ran in Florida, for Pete's sake. Will there ever come a time when I can trust my body, and myself, enough? Enough that I can take a week off without worrying that it's all over?

Well, I have a lot of history to overcome, I guess. I didn't even start exercising until my 30s and 40s. And my efforts were pretty half-hearted. Then there's forty-some years of being overweight. I guess two years of diligent training doesn't cancel out 48 years. Maybe it will take me another 48 years to feel like I am an athlete. That's ok, because I plan on living to 98 and crossing some finish line somewhere and winning my freakin' age group for once! It could happen.

So, I dragged my snot-filled self to spinning this morning. I've noticed that a lot of people do back-to-back spin classes. And really, that's a good idea. This class is 45 minutes, and it's a killer, no doubt, but honestly, the actual heart-rate-thu-the-roof time is probably more like 30 minutes. So it's like running a 5k. Extremely fast (for me). But it's not long enough. (Not that I'm actually going to double up, or anything.)

Here's an little fantasy I thought I'd share: Whenever I'm in spin class, or yoga, or strength training, I fantasize that when the instructor says, "Great job!," he or she is really talking directly (secretly) to me.

Am I the only one having that little fantasy? Nevermind. A girl's gotta dream.

Another tidbit from spin class: I looked around this morning, and noticed, for the first time, that I was not the fat girl in class anymore! The room is mirrored (why? WHY?) so it's hard not to see yourself, although believe me, I try not to, but today, I thought, dang, I look good! I wanted to take a picture!

Instead, I believe I'll spread some sunshine with this video where George Costanza (aka Jason Alexander) recaps Dick Van Dyke's role:

Now, that just has to make you smile!


Dori said...

Good job getting yourself to spin class. I understand the fear of not exercising, but not to worry, you're an athlete now! When you're 96, I'll be 100 and we'll both be winning our age group. :-)

Anonymous said...

How in the world did you ever find that stellar video? I had no idea.

Congrats on looking in the mirror and liking what you see. That's what it's all about!!

And I have no idea when late to the start athletes like us ever get to the point where we believe we "can" instead of fearing we "can't". Soon, I hope.

Neese said...

that's a great video, I smiled! :) so sorry you are sick :(

MNFirefly said...

Hang in there, Jeanne. Give your body time to recoop from being sick. You will get there.

IronWaddler said...

Love the video and great job on getting the spin in.

Rich said...

My idea of a decent run has always been around 40 mins, but I can't shed the fact I remember reading about the body starting to burn fat only AFTER about 40 mins!

Thomas said...

If you're going through all that trouble to hang on until 98, why not put a little more effort into it and make it a nice round century?

Laufenweg said...

give yourself permission to be sick & then heal. you'll be back out there soon. feel better!!

Faithful Soles said...

Great post and I love your sense of humor. That is important, especially when you are going through being sick or an injury. I just finished the Austin Marathon yesterday with a shin splint in my left leg that felt like a knife was in me, so I can sympathize. Keep up the good work.